The Monroe Montessori Parent Booster Club supports the school by raising funds and cultivating relationships within the community and amongst the families attending the school. Funds raised by our organization support enrichment programs at the school (including the music program, physical education, and art), and help to pay for school wide assemblies as well as additional classroom supplies.
PBC Officers For 2024-2025
PBC Chair: Lacey Bannister
PBC Co-Chair: Open
PBC Secretary: Tanya Baskins
PBC Treasurer: Tara Louis
Contact: Email the Booster Club at:, or leave a message in the office for a PBC officer. 360-794-4622
Membership: Parents whose child or children are currently enrolled in Monroe Montessori School are automatically members of the PBC. There are no membership fees or dues. Your input and ideas are welcome.
PBC board meeting dates: First Friday when school is in session of every month. PBC board minutes and the approved budget passed by the PBC officers are kept in the PBC binder and are available for viewing by the public. Minutes from each meeting are posted on the bulletin board near the office and are available on the Monroe Montessori Parent Group on Facebook.
The purpose of the Booster Club:
To assist the school in providing the best possible educational experience for children attending Monroe Montessori School by raising funds for direct use by the school. Primarily this is spearheading or assisting in one or more fund raisers during the school year.
Use of funds raised: Funds are used to assist the school in attracting and keeping the specialists that make our enrichment program a top-notch program. Funds are also used to purchase special materials needed in the classroom (microscopes, computers, books, cultural resources, etc.), for assemblies and guest speakers and or other uses by the school as approved by the Booster Club members.
Booster Club financials are audited by an independent CPA and are available for you to view. The Booster Club budget is posted in the hallway. You may also request a copy if you are not able to view the posted copy.
Fred Meyer’s Community Rewards
1. Sign in or create an account connected to your rewards card at
2. Go to ‘My Account’ at the upper right.
3. Click on ‘Community Rewards’ from the left hand list.
4. Search for ‘Monroe Montessori Booster Club’, and enroll.
5. Fred Meyer will donate to PBC as you shop!
Amazon Smile
1. Sign in to your Amazon account and click on AmazonSmile Charity Lists in your lists. ~or~ Go directly to and sign in.
2. Make Monroe Montessori Booster Club the charity you support.
3. The PBC will get donations when you shop at Amazon from